Happy Healthy Mom: Why I quit the Whole 30!

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Why I quit the Whole 30!

Day 14 of Whole 30 and this momma is DONE!!

I went back and forth of whether or not I should do 30 days but I have decided at this point it just isnt for me. 

I orginally started to give my body a break from sugar and alcohol and my body feels great because of that but there was not a single day on the Whole 30 where I felt more awesome than I did previously, on my own particular regime. Sure, I felt somewhat better than I did during the month of December, when I consumed far too much sugar. But I did not feel better than I would have if I had simply gone back to my own food rules.

For those of you who dont know here is the break down of this eating plan:

No grains of ANY kind.
No added sugar or artificial or natural sweeteners of ANY kind.
No legumes.No dairy.No liquefied foods (e.g., smoothies)--I stuck with my shakeology for personal reasons!No alcohol.No soy.No MSG, carageenan, sulfates or any other types of artificial additives.

So today on day 14 when I woke up, the sun was shining, my stomach was thanking me and I am feeling great! The reason I am quitting has nothing to do with feeling the desire to drink or have sugar back into my diet but because I feel like I have gotten out of this program what I wanted. 

Im sleeping fine, but I was sleeping fine before hand. I have no stomach aches but I had none before hand. 

I also realized that this plan was sucking the fun out of cooking and eating for me. For example, we go out to eat. I look at the menu. Nope cant have that because its cooked in wine, nope cant have that because it has quinoa, wait quinoa is healthy...cant have that mexican salad because it has beans..wait beans are healthy...get the point? 

And before you say yeah but  you have to finish it up before you start to feel great--there was no way I was going to continue eating that way after the 30 days, so even if some of the benefits started kicking in after 20 days, why would I care if I had those benefits for less than ten days? Was fewer than ten days of “awesome” worth 30 days of torture? UMMMM NO!

So what did I learn?

I learned that snacking is VERY important for me! I love my carrot sticks and hummus and unfortunately that is not whole 30 approved. My post workout snack and my afternoon shake are just what my body needs to feel GOOD and energized through out the day. 

I learned that my morning whole grain waffle is the perfect pre workout snack and with out it my workouts suck! 

I learned that I can totally make a delicious healthy casserole without adding all the junk. This dish was perfect for the week and the kids even loved it!

I learned some yummy recipes that I will continue to make and add into our weekly routine!

I learned that an extremely restrictive diet will push me into a super cranky mom that has no patience for anything--and nobody likes a super cranky mom!

And, I learned that the Whole 30 is not for me!!

My thoughts:

So who should do the Whole 30?

Personally I think its great for anyone who has health issues or allergies and wants to see what foods trigger it. I really dont think its a great tool for weight loss because its not something most people can do long term. But then again everyone is different and you have to find what works best for you! A pre determined meal plan like this one might be a great start for someone just getting into eating healthy but your long term solution is going to have to be one that fits your lifestyle!

If you're currently doing this plan Im still cheering for you and support you!!

For me I will go back to my regular eating plan tomorrow and I will share here what works best for me. What's your favorite eating plan?


  1. Great perspective! I don't really like eating challenges to begin. I think they can set you up for disordered eating. But, saying that I think that elimination diets, such as the Whole 30, are perfect for those facing health issues, allergies, etc. Which you of course stated. They are a great way to find out what works for your body and what doesn't. It tunes you in to your body's needs and I believe that's great!. You know what works for you and I find nothing wrong with stating your done :) Awesome job!

  2. Heather, thanks so much! I couldn't agree more. The more restrictive I am with food the less I want to eat or the more I binge on the few things I can have. My regular nutrition plan is a lot more flexible and for that reason I have been able to stick with it long term:) thanks for stopping by!❤��
