Happy Healthy Mom: 7 Day Shakeology Group

Monday, January 16, 2017

7 Day Shakeology Group

What's all the talk about Shakeology??
I know I know.. will I ever stop talking about it? 60% of you are probably sick of hearing about it, 20% are interested in it, 10% are already addicted, and 10% of you could probably care less. Am I right?
Obviously I drink it every day and love it! However, there was a time when I couldn’t talk myself into trying it. For 6 months I told myself there was absolutely, 100% no way it was as good as everyone says. But I constantly saw people rave about it and decided to give it a try. I figured I had nothing to lose. There was a 30 day money back guarantee. This means, I could have drank the entire bag and still sent it back. I ordered it on home direct so that I could skip the $10 shipping fee. Having it on home direct was great. This meant I was able to try different recipes and find what worked best for me! Now, 2 years later and I am obsessed! I drink it every single day and serve it to my husband and children, as well. I would never recommend a product to my family and friends that I don’t feel strongly about! 
If YOU are not yet addicted to Shakeology, here is your chance to try it for one full week in my upcoming Shakeology challenge group!
The purpose of this Challenge: It is designed for individuals who need a little help getting their fitness and nutrition journey going, but are not ready to commit to a full 30, 60 or 90-day program. This Shakeology Challenge will help you lose weight, incorporate exercise into your daily routine and get in the habit of eating healthy, balanced meals a day.
During the seven days, you will be asked to:
  • Replace one meal a day with Shakeology (Chocolate, Cafe latte, Vanilla and Strawberry Combo)
  • Exercise at least 5 of the 7 days for at least 30 minutes (walking, jogging, Beachbody workout, gym, your choice! Just get moving!)
  • Eat healthy, nutrient dense meals 95% of the time. You can browse the challenge group for recipe ideas- I promise they are yummy. We will follow a clean eating plan.
  • Drink at least 64 oz. of water per day
  • Weigh in only on days 1and 8 
What do YOU get out of this? 
  • In 7 days you will FEEL the benefits of Shakeology, the energy it gives you, and honestly…eating clean just puts me in a better mood!
  • A closed Facebook group for Accountability, Support and new friends hehe
  • Workout routine ideas and encouragement
  • Clean eating guidelines, tons of healthy and delicious recipes
  • A healthy routine that sets the wheels in motion for a healthier lifestyle
  • Weight loss is an added bonus, the real benefit is in the foundation you lay and the nutrients your body will be getting!
You have will have two options for getting started:
#1 Send $40 to coachmelissa26@gmail.com as a personal gift via paypal.
#2 Get the most bang for your buck and order a month supply of Shakeology (If you opt for the month supply, make sure you select Home Direct to save yourself $10 with free shipping.)
If I am not yet your coach, what are you waiting for? Go here to make it official 

We start January 30th and this is only open to the first 10 people who sign up! 

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