Happy Healthy Mom: 2016-08-07

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Country Heat Week 1 Review

Well, Im going to be completely honest when I say I really had no intention on ever trying this program. I really enjoy workouts with burpees and hardcore weights but I decided my body needed a break and I really wanted to change things up.  And I love dancing but its really hard for me to follow steps and routines so that was another reason I wasn't sure about this program. When Cize came out, the routines were really hard for me to follow too. 

Well to my surprise this dance workout was SOO DIFFERENT! The routines were SUPER easy to follow. Mostly because they do two different moves, you copy them and then do another brand new two moves. It also really helped that a few of the days you repeated the workout so  by the time you do it the second time you're a pro! Yeehaw! I broke out a nice sweat and burned 200-300 calories in each workout and I can't believe how sore my abs are just after one week! I really love how she incorporates all the ab moves into the routines and you don't even realize you are getting a workout in! Loved this lasso and cheerleader move!

As far as my nutrition goes, I am following the plan to a T. I really like that they incorporate the portion control containers from the 21 Day Fix because it WORKS!
Heres my plan for the week of what I will be eating. I generally like to keep things simple for the most part and try one new recipe each week.  This week I will be incorporating some Make Ahead Salad Jars to help keep me on track. Ive found when I plan ahead it really helps me stay on track.

This week I'll be starting Week 2 of Country Heat. 

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